Lakewood Speedway
Built around 1915 in south Atlanta, Lakewood Speedway was known as the Indianapolis of the South”. Every form of racing came there, including stock cars, Indy cars, midgets, motorcycles, even boats on the infield lake.
The final races at the track were run in 1979. Most of the track is now gone. Here’s a look at Lakewood in it’s best days:


Here’s a look at how the old girl looks today, courtesy of Google:

Lakewood today
Very little of the track actually remains. The grandstands still stand, and the distintive cut of turn one can be seen. A entrance to an amphitheater covers turn four. Turn two is completely gone, covered over with dirt to provide and entrance from Lakewood Avenue. The backstretch and frontstrech were both paved for access roads. Here’s a few more looks from a visit in May of 2009 (photos by Brandon Reed):

The apex of turn one, with Lakewood Avenue ahead.

Looking down the frontstretch from the exit of turn four. Notice the retaining wall is still in place.

Looking down the backstretch from near the exit of turn two.

Looking back up the frontstretch towards turn four. The remains of the turn are in the trees, with the ticket gate covering the apex.

The grandstands, as seen from near the entrance to the backstretch gate.
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