Racers Gather At North GA & Tennessee Racers Reunion

Friends and family gathered at the farm of Gordon Brown in Dalton on June 14th for the first North Georgia and Tennessee Racers Reunion. Photo by Mike Terrell

By Mike Bell
Posted in Feature Stories 7/20/12

All of Charlie Mincey’s, John Layton’s, Donald Tyson’s and Gordon Brown’s hard work gave everybody that came to the First Annual North Georgia and Tennessee Racers Reunion the greatest time they could have had at any reunion.

When you start out with one of the most picturesque settings in Georgia, you are way ahead of the game. Gordon Brown’s farm, southeast of Dalton, GA, has been in his family nearly two centuries.  There are animals, green lush grass and trees galore for you to enjoy. But the main event was the attendees – from Bruce Brantley to Freddy Fryar to Mike Head to Jody Ridley to Bob Richey to Leon Sells to more folks than I can name.

It started with some tent set up before noon, and then everyone started to arrive with their scrapbooks and photos. Robin Evans brought the Checkered Flag Catering truck and we knew we were in for some good old racetrack food. Then the cars started to arrive and ran the geese off with the sweet sounds.

And you could not have bought better weather. The sun was out all day with lots of clouds giving you shade as you walked around the beautiful grounds. Every now and then there was a breeze to cool you off but if you felt warm all you had to do was sit under any one of the many tents or find a shade tree.

And if you thought all those racers ran out of stories just wait until next year when they will come and tell some more.


Marilyn Brown, Charlie Mincey, and Gordon Brown are all smiles as the see their hard work come together as the event took place. Photo by Linda Mincey

Charlie and Chuck Padgett were also in attedance. Photo by Linda Mincey

Chuck Mincey enjoys the shade and a cool drink. Photo by Linda Mincey

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