Middle Georgia Raceway Reunion
1960 NASCAR Grand National champion Rex White (left) was in attendance, along with Eddie Sperling.
Here’s a look at the line up from the grandstands along the front stretch at MGR.
Harold Fountain (left) and Woody Moore (right) smile for the camera.
Ernie Gahan’s modified motors around the track.
Special thanks to Joe Cawley for his terrific photos that made this story possible.
Thanks to everyone who came out to Byron for the Middle Georgia Raceway Reunion, and for making it a memorable occasion! A special thanks to the Jeff Gilder and the folks at Racers Reunion.com and everyone else who worked to make the entire event possible. Let’s hope to see this become an annual event that helps to keep Georgia and all of racing’s history alive!
Brandon Reed is the editor and publisher Georgia Racing History.com.
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