After Racing
Charlie Mincey’s career spanned some three decades, and he enjoyed all of it.
“It was all fun,” he said. “It wasn’t about the money. I liked Lakewood but I really loved the Peach Bowl.”
Like everyone else, he would change a few things, but for the most part, he would not change much, other than maybe adding a few more wins.
But the amazing part is that from his first day in racing to his last, he never owned a racecar. He was always a hired gun.
This tells you something about his abilities and his character.
Editors note: This story originally appeared in the September 2002 issue of the Pioneer Pages magazine. In October of 2004, Charlie Mincey was inducted into the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame.
Mike Bell is the CEO and historian for the Georgia Auto Racing Hall of Fame Association, Inc. (GARHOFA).
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