Honoring Lakewood Speedway and Raymond Parks

Raymond Parks Day


The Dawson News and Advertiser put this special section out honoring Mr. Parks.

Mr. Raymond Parks arrives at the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame.

There's no way to celebrate Lakewood without Mr. Raymond Parks.

Georgia Racing History.com's Brandon Reed served as emcee for the event.

Georgia Racing History.com's Brandon Reed served as emcee for the event.

Dawsonville City Administrator Kim Cornelison welcomes everyone to the festivities.

Dawsonville City Administrator Kim Cornelison welcomes everyone to the festivities.

Wayne Knuckles, General Manager of the Dawson News and Advertiser, presenter Mr. Parks with a special copy of the commerative newspaper section in his honor.

Wayne Knuckles, General Manager of the Dawson News and Advertiser, presented Mr. Parks with a special copy of the commemorative newspaper section in his honor.

Dawson County District 2 Commission James Swafford presented Mr. Parks with the proclomation making it Raymond Parks Day in Dawson County.

Dawson County District 2 Commission James Swafford presented Mr. Parks with the proclamation making it Raymond Parks Day in Dawson County.

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